Published Games
Eve's Dimensions- PC/Web Action Game
This game was created with Unity as part of the:
The Game Jam 2023.
The goal was to create a game with theme: Life in 2 dimensions!
The game was written, composed and designed by myself. The music was composed with iPad GarageBand.
Game built with 2 version: PC & WebGL.
This project has using the following skillset during development:
3D animation flow
2D animation flow
Unity UI
TextMesh Pro
Layer mask setting
Cinemachine Virtual Camera
Dolly cam from Cinemachine
Singleton designing pattern
3D & 2D lighting
Audio effect with coroutine
Using between ortho and persp camera
Development length: 8 days.
Date: May, 2023
Dungeon Escape- 2D Mobile Game
A 2D mobile action game with virtual joystick and buttons control on Google Play.
This is a mobile game development course project from GameDevHQ and using the following skillset during development:
2D Tilemap
Animated Tiles
Layer mask setting
Cinemachine Virtual Camera
Animator state checking system
Singleton designing pattern
Interface implement
Abstract classes implement
Hitbox attacking system
Cross platform control system
OnClick event of buttons from UI
Using Unity Ads service
Game publishing to Google Play
Development length: 2 weeks.
Date: Aug, 2021
Office Room- URP Scene Creating
A game scene powered by URP of Unity to demonstrate how to use it to create beautiful game view.
This is an Unity course project from GameDevHQ and using the following skillset during development:
URP & HDRP installation
Adding & customizing skybox
Lighting adjustment
Post-processing of URP & HDRP
Reflection probes setting
Using occlusion culling
Texture adjusting with emission effect
Using height maps and pixel displacement
Using tessellation in HDRP
Using decals in HDRP
Date: Jun, 2022